One in a Thousand



Standing all around me



Our children

Our home

With care


To be chosen





Your generosity

Your legacy

Your life work


Outsmarts the rain

Speaks truth

Despite the tears

Finds God

In the grayness,


In the heartache

And climbs

The ladder

To the kingdom

Where the Master

Full of compassion

Long suffering and


Is the Servant

To those He loves

Yesterday I served lunch to the crew working here at our home. You would have enjoyed the mustard greens and mortadella and I know you would have enjoyed every person at that table. I searched for your eyes as I looked around and my ears strained to hear your voice and your laughter. Your father and my uncle, who have known each other for 50 years told stories over a glass of wine after toasting to you. Sons working with fathers, learning the trades, learning to be men was the thread of conversation. Hard work and laughter, your heart was right there with us.

Your children worked all day to finish the outside of your office. Painters have been here for days, gifting time to maintain the integrity of what you worked so hard to provide for us: safety, beauty, security and love. Professional help has been graciously extended at a time when I am the most vulnerable. Friends have blessed our children with birthday celebrations and opportunities to find joy in the day.

Why? Why are they all doing this? Why?

Why? My daily inquiry to My Heavenly Father Why?

These aren’t test questions, they’re life questions. The answers come out in honest compassionate conversation.

They want to honor you, because you are worthy of honor. They just love us. Their faith at its core is about serving those in need. They feel deeply and are moved to do something. They believe doing what you can is more important than just talking about it. It’s simple, it’s the right thing to do.

Through my tears, I try to memorize the answers like I’m back in 7th grade. In my grief, I think I might forget.

Prayerfully I’m quiet.

God reminds me.

“These answers are written like a cheat sheet across the depths of your soul. They’re why you call each other soul mates, you agreed upon them 100%. You both filled in the blank time and again with the help of the Holy Spirit.

The selfless loving kindness you all have received is the same Brilliant love that radiates from your husband from the same source, Your loving Savior, My Son, Jesus Christ.”

“The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve-“ Matthew 20:28

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34

There is a legend of an artist who found a completely unique color of scarlet. The extraordinary color remained a mystery all his life, no one could come close to recreating it. When he died, an old wound was revealed over his heart, the matchless color discovered on his breast.

It is with our heart’s blood that unequaled beauty is painted across the canvas of our lives, this is what makes the masterpiece of accomplishments and relationships invaluable and precious.

“You May find One, maybe two in a thousand.” Angelo's father shared with me in response to the generous service our friend has given us. In truth, if we were to count, there would be well beyond two. We are blesssed beyond measure by the love of God being extended by those who are moved by His compassionate heart.