With the generous gift of
Maintaining the integrity of our home
Comes a decision
That will involve
Heartache and sweet memories
Toil and thorns
Wrestling and wanting
A twisted journey
A Gentle warning
To consider well
The future of
A climbing rose
Her weighty effects upon the house and
The time she demands for care must be pondered
But let me tell you of her story
A young bride
Full of hope and abundant love
Gathered the tiniest bouquet
To grace the pillow
She made
To carry the symbols of love eternal
The symbols of loyalty and commitment
Three rings
Two for the lovers
One from the father to the son
Tiny rosebuds blessed
The answered prayer of my desperate heart
A loving father
A faithful husband
A life of love and beauty
Began our wedding day
Toil and joy
In the newness of love
The dirt was turned
A garden dreamed of
The Sweetheart rose was planted
Growing vigorously
She presided over tea parties
And summer dinners
Children’s play
And blessed my view
Refreshing me
As I washed the dishes
At the end of each day
Three sons and a daughter
A wedding to attend
We stood all together
Our beautiful young family
With beauty
And abundance
The scent of
New life
And growth
And love all around us
We danced that day.
Celebrating her five year birthday
I created a garland
With the blushing rosebuds
For our daughter
She wore
That fragrant life prayer
That wisdom
Would be crowned
With tenderness and beauty
Elegance and joy
All her life
And we all laughed and loved that day
Tying and trimming
Would often draw blood
As I wondered at
The growth
And the reaching
Through seasons
Beautiful memories
Being made
Their aroma
Erasing time
In our garden
Under the Apple tree
I wondered as
I placed my childhood keepsake there
And gently cradled our sleeping
Baby girl
So perfect and beautiful
Prayerfully I surrounded her
With roses
My heart wished
A bed of roses
For her life
To be peaceful, joyful and sweet
Every day
Ten lovely years
Five wonderful children
Laughter and tears
And I would marry him again
We had dreamed
For a moment
Of a trip
To renew our vows
We invited children
Into our lives
A worthy trade
We wholeheartedly agreed
Gathering those children
Along with the abundance
Of our garden
I wove rose buds
Through our daughter’s hair
And Mine
We scattered petals
In the park
We laughed and played
And we married each other
That day
Such a significant friend
We decided to plant
At the entrance of our second home
To tie our memories to the newness
She draped her beauty over our front porch
She bloomed joyful each spring
And teased me with her wildness
Testing my commitment
To climb the ladder
Into the light
To prune and get caught by thorns
Then forgive
The unintentional pain
Caused by growth
She challenged me to
Work at love
She graced the table of our last meal
Her timeless beauty us all to feel
And when I came home
Without you
Her heart was the same as yours and mine
She made herself the most beautiful as ever
And tried to tell me it will all be fine
Blushing she watched me weep in your vineyard
Angels in heaven heavens harvested
Rose Water and wine
Severely pruned
She lies stripped naked
On the ground before our door
She knows me deeply
Echoing the pain within my soul
Her strength arching, waiting
Being carefully stepped over
Until time allows
The Son
To raise up
My lifelong friend
That she might grow
And bloom again
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Phillipians 4:8
Even for the dead I will not bind my soul to grief;
Death cannot long divide.
For is it not as though
The rose that climbed my garden wall
Has blossomed on the other side?
Death does hide, but divide;
You are but on Christ’s other side!
You are with Christ, and Christ with me;
in Christ united still are we. -
from Streams in the Desert devotional
" Is your husband all right?..."
"Everything is all right." she said.- 2 Kings 4
written November 2020